Crafty Flamingos is a culmination of lifelong crafting, teaching, and (slightly) obsessing over Flamingos!

I truly believe everyone is creative, in their own way!  When it comes to art, some need a nudge and some need permission.

At Crafty Flamingos, we endeavor to give you both!  We’ll provide you with techniques and projects that you can utilize in your creative pursuits.   

Whether you are an experienced crafter or a newbie,  we’re here to enable you, er, I mean “support” you in honoring the Craft Hoarder’s Creed :

Our number one goal is to have fun!   And if we can get some flamingos in there while we’re doing it, all the more Fabulous!  

I believe you will find our teachers talented and entertaining and our projects fun; often with a touch of whimsy.

Please feel free to contact us with comments, requests, and feedback for Crafty Flamingos projects!   

– Pamela Queen, Founder and Resident Crazy Flamingo Lady